An elastomeric resin and CSPE (Hypalon) containing vapor retarder. Tough, flexible fire resistive finish which provides outstanding chemical and weather resistance. Used on cold and cryogenic insulation systems.
Manufacturers, Suppliers and Fabricators of
Industrial, Commercial, Thermal, Acoustic &
Marine Insulation, Jacketing and Ancillaries.
A tough, flexible, fireresistive, elastomeric finish for protection of outdoor, thermal insulation.
An elastomeric resin and CSPE (Hypalon) containing vapor retarder. Tough, flexible fire resistive finish which provides outstanding chemical and weather resistance. Used on cold and cryogenic insulation systems.
An elastomeric resin and CSPE (Hypalon) containing vapor retarder. Tough, flexible fire resistive finish.
Provides outstanding weather barrier protection, showing good color retention, excellent chemical resistance and durability with outstanding chemical and weather resistance. Used on cold and cryogenic insulation systems.
An ISO Certified Group
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